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3 tips to help promote your Allied Health Practice

digital marketing targeting

Digital Marketing for Allied Health

As an Allied Health Professional, whether you are a Physiotherapist, Chiropractor or Psychologist. You would need to employ several different marketing tools to bring clients through the door.  

You’d have signage outside your practice, and you might have business cards and flyers. You’d rely on word of mouth to increase your brand awareness.

But on top of traditional marketing methods, you can use online marketing tools to help promote your practice online and establish yourself as an expert in your area.  

Here are three things you can do to get started.

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Create your Local Business Profile

People will be searching for practices in their local area. Once they find a reputable place with good reviews, they’d want to get directions.

A local business profile on Google and Apple will do that for you. Sign up for both, and they’d literally put you on the map (Google Maps and Apple Maps) for all to see. The best thing about this is it’s all free.

Pro Tip:

  1. Put photos on your profile and show your clients what your practice looks like.
  2. Show them if you have parking space and what it looks like from outside so they can find it.
  3. If your practice offers a level of privacy, such as private rooms, show your clients.

Create informative content

People will want to educate themselves and see if they can do anything at home first before seeking an expert. Some ailment remedies may be only a simple stretch away.

Share this knowledge, and people will appreciate the gesture. If anything, you will establish yourself as a knowledgeable expert in your field.

People now know they can rely on your knowledge and come see you if they don’t feel better.

You can post videos or write blog articles and share them on your website or Social Media account. It doesn’t cost you anything apart from your time. It can bring traffic to your website as people search for information to address their specific issues.

Pro Tip: 

Stay away from industry-specific jargon. Try to put yourself in your client’s shoes. Are they likely to be searching for Elbow Pain or Lateral Epicondylitis? Tennis Elbow might work, but not everybody knows what it is. Please keep it simple and refer to the symptoms, as that would be what people are searching for.

Manage your reviews

As you will be dealing with people’s wellbeing and, treatment is likely to get close and personal. Prospective clients will be looking for professionals with great reviews before engaging in your services.

There is no harm in asking your clients to post a review for your business. Most people would happily do so if asked.

Pro Tip:

Respond to your reviews.

  1. If it’s a nice review, give them a thank you note.
  2. If it’s a bad review, provide a professional response and address the concern if possible.

This shows your community that you care and are willing to provide the best service possible.

Wrapping Up

The great thing about these tips is they’re free, and you can easily do them yourself. They provide your prospective clients with the information they need to educate themselves about your business before making a decision. This will generate traffic to your business and hopefully end in a conversion and a happy client.

We wish you all the best in your business.

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