Competitor Price Monitoring

Use our competitor price data to set the best prices for your products and promotions.


Are your prices right?

83% of consumers will compare prices before they make a purchase. Your customers want a good deal, and if you don't offer competitive prices, they will likely go somewhere else.


Save time from researching prices yourself

Don't waste your precious time that you could be using to run your business.  We'll do it for you.  We're not just data-driven. We're driven by data!


Be informed of the latest price changes and promotions

We'll let you know if there are any product price changes or if your competitors are running any promotions so you can respond with your own.


Stay ahead of the competition and increase sales

Don't fall behind! Consistently offer your customers competitive prices,  outpace your competition and keep your sales soaring.

Take the Guesswork Out of Pricing with Our Data-driven Insights.

Our analysts are constantly monitoring the ecommerce world, keeping track of what everyone is doing.  Our data is refreshed daily, providing you with the most current insights so you can adjust your pricing strategy and offer your customers the best possible price.

Get a price check on the competition today


1. Request a quote

Tell us about your business, your competition, the number of products you want us to track, and how often you’d like to receive your reports.


2. We get to work

Our team will start gathering and analysing your competitors’ pricing data while keeping a close eye on their sales and promotions.


3  Receive Your Reports

Get our reports delivered straight to your inbox with all the insights you need to outshine your competition!


Get your free quote today

No obligations, No Strings Attached